Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Not all yoga is created equal

I have started attending yoga more regularly, as opposed to sporadically as I used to. I have begun to truly love the practice of yoga and actually look forward to class. I think in part it is because our Thursday teacher, Liz, is so fantastic! She really knows how to get in a great balance of stretching poses, balancing poses and challenge poses that make it ideal for me.
Last night, I was reminded just why I hate "restorative yoga" as much as I do. First, it is basically a bunch of stretching, lying on the mat and child's pose. All fine for a 30 minute class, but 60 minutes of this and I'm just ready to scream! Its actually achieving the exact opposite effect that yoga should have for me. Couple this with an instructor that can't stop talking and most of what comes out of her mouth is just gibberish and I was ready to walk out of class! I did manage to stay for the entire class and I know the stretching did me good (since I hate to stretch after my typical workout!)
In the future, when we do restorative yoga, maybe I'll just wear my iPod with my own relaxing and soothing music and I might just enjoy it a little better.


hanner said...

Man, I need to start doing yoga.

megan said...

The thing is, I really want to start dancing in the middle of restorative. And, if we hadn't done handstands before I may have died!

mandy said...

Ditto, hanner.

mel said...

I too want to move and shake (aka dance) during all yoga classes, but especially restorative!