Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I think I might be getting dumber.....

or the New York Times crossword is getting harder. Everyday at work a fellow employee prints off the New York Times crossword puzzle from the BYU paper. I can usually finish the Monday and Tuesday version rather easily. But, not this week.....I was struggling with the Monday edition. At this rate, I'm not going to get a single answer on Friday. PS--if you've had more success with these two, don't tell me. It will only make me feel even less smart than I already do!


mandy said...

I haven't even attempted either one yet! I need to print them off and try them tonight...

jenhatch said...

wow, wow, WOW Mel... if you EVER need to feel smarter - come see me. I don't get crosswords at all!! I tried once to do one so i could exercise my mind like that... got so frustrated with it... I started filling in the boxes with the words of the song I was listening to!

jenhatch said...

oh, by-the-way - if you want to feel smarter then me at least... I hate those word verifications you make me do to place a comment on your blog! I never get them right the first time, and it usually takes me 3 shots. It actually deters me from commenting on your blog! WHY do the letters have to be so SMOOSHED together!?!?

megan said...

Yeah. That Monday one was killer.