Monday, October 8, 2007

False Alarm

Working at a chemical company allows for all sorts of fun in a day! Today the alarm sounded (not once, but about 4 times). This alarm is to warn of a potentially hazardous chemical spill in one of the many buildings around the office (where I work.) When the alarm sounded this morning, nobody really moved too quickly. I was told when I started, if the alarm sounded, someone would come over the intercom with announcements and I was just to follow everybody to the designated meeting spot. Apparently everybody was given this information during "safety training" as nobody seemed to know what to do. And, it seems once the alarm sounds, everyone is locked out of the phone system so no announcements can be made over the intercom. I feel very safe! Don't worry, there was no chemical spill and nobody knows why or how the alarm was sounded. PS--I did learn that anybody can trigger the alarm by entering a certain code into the phone (I know the code and it can't be traced!) I hope the IT guys didn't fix this glitch as they were fixing other things.

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